1. Give me a brief glance about Uganda?
2. What is the climate like in Uganda?
3. How safe is it to volunteer in Uganda?
4. What kind of volunteer work is available?
5. What does it take to be a volunteer?
6. Do I need to be a Ugandan to volunteer?
7. Do I need to speak English to become a volunteer?
8. Do I need special skills or qualifications?
9. What kind of support will I receive from Clemency Uganda?
10. Who will oversee my program and help me if I have problems?
11. What will happen during my orientation?
12. Will vegetarians be catered for?
13. Will I be provided with transport to my work station(s)?
14. How many Volunteers will be there on site at the same time?
15. What resources are available for me to perform my duties when volunteering? Do i need to bring my own?
16. Can I stay healthy during my assignment?
17. What will happens if I get sick on assignment?
18. What immunizations/vaccines are important for my health?
19. Who organizes the’ visas for my volunteer placement?
20. Do I need travel insurance?
21. Can I take with me my family?
22. When am I expected to arrive in Uganda?
1. Give me a brief glance about Uganda? 
Uganda is a land locked country in East Africa whose land area of 241,139 sq. km (92,300 sq miles) shares borders with Sudan to its north, Kenya to the east, the Democratic Republic of Congo to the west, Tanzania and Rwanda to the south. The country’s total population now stands at 29.90 million people, 90% of which live in the rural areas, undertaking subsistence agricultural activities. Uganda is one of the poorest countries in the world, with per capita income at US$ 276. Agricultural value added is (% GDP) is 32% while industry value added stands at 18%. Service value added is 33%, export of goods and services at15%, service sector accounts for 8.2%, business sector 3.8%, employment in the agricultural sector 76.50% and others 6.9%.
Lake Victoria the second largest fresh water body in the world provides for the small-scale fish industry in the south and south-eastern region. In the drier northern region of the country, millet and sorghum are the staple foods, whereas the south and the western region feed mainly on plantain (matoke) and cassava.
There is life expectancy of 47 years for men and 50 years for women which expectancy is expected to worsen as a consequence of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are 9.1 million children under 18 years of age of which 1.9 million are orphans. The under five mortality rate is 156 children per 1,000 live births and 38.3% of every new born gets stunted due to malnutrition.
2. What is the climate like in Uganda? 
The best times to visit are December-March and June-September. It can be somewhat rainy then, but not as rainy as in the rainy season, March-June. December-February and June-July are the driest times, when things can even be a bit dusty. Although the country lies astride the equator, most of Uganda is on a plateau 3,600-6,000 ft/900-1,830 m above sea level.
Temperatures in some parts of the country can be quite cool owing to the country’s high altitude, despite its position on the equator. The mountain areas become much cooler and the top of Mount Elgon and Rwenzori are often covered with snow. Other parts of the country are much warmer.
3. How safe is it to volunteer in Uganda? 
Management of Clemency-Uganda will tirelessly work to ensure that you are placed in safe environments while volunteering. Uganda has a stable political environment with Jinja being a very calm town with a clean record of good security. However, it is also important to take personal security. You can do this by learning the culture, observing local social behaviors, establishing friendships and seeking advice from the local community. Using common sense is very important. But generally Ugandans are very hospitable towards foreigners, so you will be warmly welcomed.
4. What kind of volunteer work is available? 
Clemency-Uganda now has a number of programs under implementation in Jinja. The programs are geared towards working as a team to better the lives of the marginalized communities that fall under the charge of Clemency-Uganda and that of its local partners. Many of the projects will involve a flexible schedule of various community-based activities. Volunteers will be contributing to community-based development at the lowest local level.
5. What does it take to be a volunteer? 
You must be 18 years old and above. There is no upper limit. You just have to be in good health. A Yellow fever vaccination is legally required to enter Uganda if coming from an at-risk area and you will need to provide a certificate to prove you have had it to obtain a Visa.
6. Do I need to be a Ugandan to volunteer? 
No. Clemency-Uganda welcomes all people from different parts of the world. In simple terms our volunteer program has a global dimension.
7. Do I need to speak English to become a volunteer? 
Yes, it would be helpful if you speak English. You may have English as your second language and that is also fine. While there are many local languages spoken in Uganda, many of the people speak English. In some villages where the programs are located, the commonly spoken languages are Luganda and Lusoga. It will do you good if you learn a few phrases in these languages while you are here.
8. Do I need special skills or qualifications? 
For most general placements your interest, enthusiasm and commitment will be the most important qualifications. Some volunteer placements (i.e. healthcare, teaching etc.) will require some special credentials.
9.What kind of support will I receive from Clemency Uganda? 
Clemency Uganda will offer you the following care and support during your stay:
Welcome you on arrival in Uganda.
Provide you with in-country orientation
Provide adequate training including language, if required, and placement training for the volunteer project, etc.
Assist your integration into the local community.
Provide accommodations and meals through host families.
Offer you intercultural and personal support.
Provide 24/7 emergency contact and support.
Provide a project completion letter and a certificate of merit during a farewell dinner.
Organize your departure transport to the Airport.
10. Who will oversee my program and help me if I have problems? 
Our Volunteer Coordinator is the person in charge of your program. This is the person who will coordinate communication and activities between you, your host project (if the case is so) and your host family. The Volunteer Coordinator is also available to help resolve any issues that arise during your stay with the host family or volunteer work experience.
11. What will happen during my orientation? 
It is our policy that every volunteer undergoes a one week period of orientation before starting work. During this time you will be unveiled to:
* Your host family which will in turn inform you about its house-keeping rules.
* Clemency Uganda staff and projects.
* Leaders of the local community.
* Health and safety precautions.
* Work station(s).
* The Local community in case you will be working a field.
During this period, you will also be exposed to local culture; this will include lessons in the most commonly used local dialects i.e. Lusoga, Luganda and Swahili and lecturing to you about the general code of conduct when dealing with members of the local community. Such exposure will enable you to easily communicate with the locals here and also help you to blend well in the communities.
Welcoming buffet will be prepared to officially flag you off for your duties.
All this will be done to help you feel at home and psychologically get prepared for your tasks.
12. Will I be catered for if I am a vegetarian? 
Vegetarians are more than welcome if they are willing to settle for a limited selection of food. Breakfast will be generally tea, coffee, bread, egg (boiled or scrambled). No problem there. Lunch will be typically served at your duty station where you will eat with other staff.
The food will probably be posho (cornbread) and beans which may not include meat. For dinner, you will have to feed on fish, meat, beans, green vegetables, rice, bananas (matoke), posho (cornbread), on a rotational basis. However, you will need to supplement if this is not acceptable to you.
13. Will I be provided with transport to my work station(s)? 
No. Not now. You will have to part with some money for your daily transport to and from your duty stations. You will need a transport budget of 3 dollars a day.
14. How many Volunteers will be there on site at the same time? 
We expect between 8 – 11 Volunteers each month. There will be some that are long term and have started earlier than others and those arriving later.
15. What resources are available for me to perform my duties when volunteering? Do i need to bring my own? 
Any resources in your possession that would be of benefit in dispensing your duties while on placement would ideally be taken with you. Doctors, nurses, midwives, teachers, and all other categories of volunteers are encouraged to come with their kits.
You are encouraged to discuss more about this with our Volunteers Department.
16. Can I stay healthy during my assignment? 
The issue of health is your responsibility when you are on assignment. Depending on where you are living, there may be a risk of contracting some illnesses, including tropical diseases.
Health risks can be minimized by attending thoroughly to your health preparation before departure, to ensure that you are as healthy as possible. This may include vaccination updates, specialist check-ups (e.g. dental, skin, and optical) and routine screening tests.
17. What will happens if I get sick on assignment? 
Clemency-Uganda works hand in hand with DAG Clinic which provides 24-hour medical services. At the moment we are only able to provide you with first aid.
Taking sensible precaution when you are in Uganda can also minimize the risk of getting sick. This includes strict basic hygiene, attention to the standard of food and water, mosquito bite prevention, stress management, etc.
Your doctor and travel medicine specialist can give you more information and guidance on how to stay healthy while on Clemency-Uganda assignment.
18. What immunizations/vaccines are important for my health? 
Some of these can be taken in oral form so you should discuss all options with your doctors to see what is best for you. Some people can be affected quite differently to others by medication.
19. Who organizes the’ visas for my volunteer placement? 
You will organize your Visa through your travel agent or independently.
20. Do I need travel insurance? 
As with any overseas traveling, insurance is recommended. You are requested to undertake your own travel insurance.
21. Can I take with me my family? 
Due to the special issues that arise for personnel with families, accommodation will be reserved for you only. If you are volunteering and would like to bring your family, then we shall need to arrange separate accommodation for your family outside of that which is arranged for you by management. As the demands of volunteering are quite strenuous, physically, mentally, and most of all, emotionally, we recommend volunteering on you own so that you may focus on the community and personal health.
We may be able to place a couple; however both partners usually need to have an assignment.
22. When am I expected to arrive in Uganda? 
You should arrive one week before the commencement of your assignment for a seven day orientation program. You will be met at the airport by our staff if you are planning to begin volunteering straight away. If you are planning some tourist time in Uganda before beginning your placement, then arrangements can be made for you to be picked up in the capital Kampala at a later time.