Our Development Approach
a. Partnership Approach
We work in broad and effective partnership with local and international stakeholders formulating overall programs, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation strategies to effectively address the problems faced by vulnerable communities.
b. Human Rights based Approach
We recognize the fact that the right to development is universal and inalienable and an integral part of
the fundamental human rights and that the human person is the focal point of development.
c. Participatory Approach
We strive to actively involve the youth and women in the leadership, planning, decision-making, organization, management, monitoring and evaluation of development activities that have a direct bearing on their lives.
Development Vision
C-ollaborate with members of the local communities at all levels of project design and implementation.
L-ink people and organizations the world over so they can together tackle social justice and development issues.
E-mpower marginal groups through creation of employment opportunities.
M-itigate the impact of disease such as HIV/AIDS, malaria among others through a holistic approach.
E-mphasize the use of holistic approaches in tackling issue to do with poverty ignorance and disease.
N-urture the spirit of collective action in meeting challenges facing the most deprived members.
C-onscioutise members of the local communities about the challenges they are facing and how to overcome them.
Y-ield long lasting positive impact on the lives of children, youth, women, and grannies.