Education is an important requirement for the development of a child. Schools provide children with opportunities for emotional support, interaction with other children and the development of social capital. Education can also reduce vulnerability to poverty, HIV/AIDS and other diseases through increasing knowledge, awareness, skills and opportunities. Despite the availability of opportunities for education through the Universal Primary Education program, many orphans and other vulnerable children are not going to school and those that are, do not attending classes regularly.
The main goal of our Child Education program is to help disadvantaged children particularly the girl child to access quality education and training in remote communities in Jinja. In Uganda, government schools are; overcrowded; understaffed; charge additional fees (teachers’ lunch, breakfast, uniforms etc); woefully equipped; have inadequate teaching space, classrooms, desks, chairs and text books and no teaching aids or displays.
Yet school fees is one of the biggest obstacles to the expansion of schooling in Uganda where poverty has imposed tough choices on families and households about how many children to send to school, which children to send to school and how long they may attend -
many children are unable to afford school since their parents and guardians can not afford footing costs associated with schooling. We are committed to promoting education and training of orphans and vulnerable children (67% girls) through financial and material donations.
Through this program, we are able to help some children with:
* School fees.
* Scholastic materials (books, pens, pencils, rulers, and sets).
* Uniforms.
* Sanitary materials for girls to be used during times of emergency.
A total of 72 orphans and vulnerable children are being aided under this scheme out of the 214 registered.
In order to fulfill our program objective, we ensure children’s enrollment and re-enrollment and closely monitor their retention and completion through school based monitoring.
This is possible since we work with Village Education Committees (V.E.Cs) and School OVC Committees (V.O.Cs) where community education awareness campaigns are conducted to sensitize parents and guardians about the importance of girl-child education and child care and support mechanisms rather than leaving their children to work in brothels, construction sites and bars and restaurants.
Would you wish to support our education project? Email us today or visit the donation page for more information on how you can donate to Clemency Uganda.