help ugandan vulnerable


Uniting To Save The Vulnerable

   Clemency Uganda Jinja photos

Clemency kid’s’ sports gala is one of the most exciting kids events on the Clemency calendar because it is all about giving children so much fun that they don’t have to wait to play in the next gala. Every year Clemency children showcase their sports talents in a face-off sports event organized in August every year. Children are allowed to choose the main themes for the competition which every participant is supposed to deeply think about and put into practice during or after the event.

Each Clemency Uganda staff is assigned a team of boys and girls between the ages of 6-14 years where they compete in all sports categories including among others volleyball, basketball, netball and football. A total of 8 teams participate in this one day gala with girls taking most of the leadership roles such as team captainship.

During this event children are rewarded on individual and team basis. Major emphasis is put on discipline, team work, performance, leadership skills among others.

One of the volunteers Ieaun Kelly had this to say about the 2011 kid’s’ sport gala, “For me the Kids sports Gala day was an opportunity to showcase every child’s hard work that has led to significant improvements in their ability over the past month. The day ran smoothly and it appeared that the children and staff all enjoyed themselves… At times, it was obvious that the older children were physically dominating the games: something that we’d tried to minimize through the use of adapted games. Despite this, some of the rules enabled the younger ones to showcase their talent and at times obviously shocked some of the spectators and other players with their skilled ability”.

why are children vulnerable

© Clemency Uganda - P.O.Box 291, Jinja, Uganda (E.A)        
    Another Site by Opher Segev